It happened again.

Another entrepreneur with dreams of a sold-out program … launching to crickets.

If that feels painfully familiar, the good news is its 100% preventable – when you do the right things!

The size and quality of your audience has a direct impact on your success.

If you’re tired of straining under the weight of a too-small following …

Or launching programs to a handful instead of hundreds …

There’s a way to create a growing audience that channels more of your awesome clients in your front door.

The key is creating a Critical Mass Audience.

Which is more than just a large audience.

It’s a responsive audience that continues to scale once you’ve juiced the initial momentum to get it going.

It’s the tipping point where great content fuels on ongoing cycle of audience growth and revenue growth.

There are 3 keys to get yours rolling. And you don’t have to invest in a new tool or master a complicated new skill!

1. Create Concise Content Consistently

People keep saying the best markets are saturated.

But (this is important) not so saturated that someone with a fresh approach who offers consistent value won’t stand out and attract interest.

Fresh, concise content packed with unique insights, delivered consistently rules the day.

It elevates and distinguishes you.

And is the secret sauce that builds crucial momentum, even in a crowded marketplace.

It’s true: So-so content no longer cuts it.

But persistence in sharpening the impact of your content is the gift that keeps on giving.

2. Stop making everything a masterpiece

You really can offer fresh magnetic insights without winning the Pulitzer Prize for every post.

Or making every post a novel.

The single piece of genius content that makes you an overnight success is a myth.

That awesome post you’ve been perfecting for the last month won’t solve your visibility and authority problem.

While you’ve been honing every word, your competitors have dashed out 15 shorter nuggets, stealing your audience.

Yes, I know you have standards.

The problem is: Your standards are killing your business.

Good enough is good enough.

Get your next piece out there now. And then the next one.

And leave the masterpieces to Picasso.

3. Over-giving will gut you

The firehose era of online content is over.

Concise digestible discoveries and insights will build your following of ideal clients faster.

But your desire to deliver everything all the time is actually driving them away.

This isn’t about withholding. This is about understanding they can’t handle everything, everywhere, all at once.

A vast barrage of all your best is too much.

Providing value while leaving your audience wanting more is crucial to building the sustained attention that is creates your critical mass audience.

It builds anticipation and desire for your next post.

And demonstrates your command and mastery is real and ongoing. And not just a one-shot wonder.

Your goal: Get this sucker going

Your critical mass audience is like a snowball rolling downhill:

Once you’ve gotten it growing, it feeds off its own momentum. But it won’t get going unless you begin, and follow up your next post with another.

And another after that.

The key to growing your critical mass audience is to accelerate the pipeline through which your ideas get out into the marketplace.

Perfection is often the enemy of the profitable.

Consistent improvement wins the day.

While that may not be sexy – it’s a small price to pay for the scale and revenue it can create.