Read any posts on AI lately?
(Ok, dumb question … )
Everyone’s saying artificial intelligence is the next big thing.
How it’s going to change the world.
How it’s even going to make dog food taste better.
(Actually, I haven’t read that one. But it wouldn’t surprise me).
If you’re like me you’ve probably walked away from all the hype with one overriding impression:
Why aren’t any of the AI Ninjas talking to me?
Why aren’t they addressing my concerns?
Why aren’t they offering any ideas I can use?
Why do all these experts and pundits seem like they’re talking to each other, and not coaches, consultants and experts like us?
Because after you’ve dashed off some photo-real images of a chicken eating a taco … what can you really do with it?
Because the truth is:
You’re not mass producing widgets, at volume.
You’re not a nameless, faceless product, competing on price.
You’re an entrepreneur, with a strong point of view, distinctive brand, disruptive point of difference (or maybe all three!)
You’re delivering a highly differentiated service, message and value package to your clients yearning for something fresh.
Where your bottom line isn’t determined by the sheer quantity of content a faceless machine might churn out, but by the impact of the voice that powers it.
I’m here to say, if you’ve been feeling left out of the whole AI discussion, If you’ve been wondering, “How does this apply to me?”
You’re not alone.
Over the next days, I’m crafting a series that reveals how to put this potential to work in a more personal way in your messaging and positioning.
To give you a clear path to take advantage of what everyone’s talking about.
But do it in a much more targeted way, that fits your vibe and voice.
Instead of having to twist yourself into a pretzel to try and fit into it.
Yes AI can be powerful.
But if you’re feeling like all the nerds, gurus, techies and pundits are talking to each other (and ignoring you), I want to make some sense out it for you.
In a way that makes more personalized, targeted messaging for businesses like yours.
So you’re not spraying your followers with a bunch of bland, machine generated blather.
But with something that’s feels closer to what you would say yourself, and expresses everything you bring to the table.
Keep your eye on your in box …
And here’s what’s on the way in the rest of our series: