With the deluge of AI info cascading frantically across the marketing scene – there is one undeniable truth:
An AI like ChatGPT has access to an enourmous body of facts.
That’s the beauty. It’s also the curse.
The sheer volume of details in it’s brain means it has to give it’s best guess on exactly what you’re looking for.
Which – more often than not – is NOT going to be exactly what you’re looking for.
The problem is you’re not looking to come up with something mediocre. You want your AI to come up with something amazing.
And the best way to do that is to train it on exactly what you want as part of getting exactly what you want.
(Relax … we’re not talking hours and hours here).
In fact, you can improve the results it returns by focusing on just a few key steps. And I want to show you:
Exactly what they are.
The specific situations you can use them in.
And the huge difference they can make.
Exactly what does it mean to ‘train your AI’?
Training your AI means you’re getting very specific about the role you want it to play in advising you. And focusing the scope of the information it needs to access to give it to you.
It can also mean giving it a template or actual example you want it to emulate in it’s response.
There are several ways to do this that can pay off big for you.
Before you ask it for an answer to a specific question:
- Give it a role / persona / or area of expertise.
This helps focus and increase the value of the outcome it returns. - Give it a sample of content you want it to emulate.
This helps it to write in your voice, instead of an anonymous tone. - Ask it to describe content you provide it.
So you can then use the exact words it gives you in future Prompts. - And give it any details of what it must include.
So it doesn’t have to guess …
This dramatically increases the ‘on-target-ness’ of the result. And that the AI comes up with a match for what you’re looking for.
So, what are some of the things you can train in on?
What you can train ChatGPT on is only limited by your imagination. But here are a few good places to start:
A role you want it to play while responding (YouTube expert / copy conversion expert): So its advice conveys authority and expertise.
Your voice and style: Helps it to sound like you.
Your market: Helps to make it more of a match to your ideal clients.
A specific offer
A template you want it to use in its response: So what it gives you is structured in a way you know is effective.
What created success for you in the past: So the result it returns helps you create similar success in the future.
What are some of the roles you can have it play?
Here are just a few examples of the roles you can have it play:
Expert copywriter.
Instagram Reels genius, specializing in the hottest topics for your specific niche.
Keyword expert.
Top notch social media consultant.
Sought after content creation ninja.
A genius at defining and targeting the ideal market for any business.
And these are just in the marketing niche. If you’d love to have guidance from an expert in any area, just tell ChatGPT who that is.
How to ask it to play a role / persona:
Here is the format of a Prompt so it responds from a specific role, with specific skills and expertise
Act as a … / You are a …
[ name it ].
That specializes in …
[ drill down to target a more specific expertise ]
I want you to use your knowledge in …
[ specific areas highly relevant to your market ]
To …
[ create the result you want to help them witih ]
THEN ask your question
[ providing any details it needs to include or consider. ]
Act as a master copywriter.
You are viewed as an expert, specializing in copy for holistic, transformational entrepreneurs.
I want you to use your knowledge of effective conversion tactics
To craft compelling, high-converting copy without coming off as pushy, aggressive or manipulative.
Write a six paragraph email on the benefits of meditation while promoting a free mindfulness webinar I’m offering.
Here are the specific details of the webinar [ list details ].
Train It in Your Voice and Style
Find a sample of your writing that symbolizes and expresses you, your voice and style at its best.
Have it analyze this sample content so you can use some of the words it gives you in it’s analysis to craft Prompts it understands.
I’d like you to analyze a message I wrote so you can learn to write like me. Here is a sample of content that really expresses my style and voice:
Please analyze and evaluate the style of the content, in 3-5 paragraphs.
Below your analysis include 5-7 keywords you feel best describe this style.
You can then use these exact words as part of future Prompts, so it can get closer to your style right off the bat.
Train it to emulate a past success
Provide a sample of messaging that was successful in the past, so it can emulate those characteristics to create similar success in the future.
Give it a role.
Supply an example of content that was successful in the past
[Optional] Offer insight as to why you believe it was successful.
Ask it to analyze the content and come to its own conclusions on what made it successful.
Direct it to generate X number of [ content ] on [ topic ] that will be equally successful
You are a sought after creator of hooks, titles and subject lines for entrepreneurs and other small and solo practitioner businesses. You have the ability to ignite interest with just a few well-chosen words.
Here is a list of our 15 highest-converting subject lines from the past six months of our business:
[ List of 15 subject lines ]
I would like you to analyze these subject lines, offer a list of 5 THINGS you believe made them successful and use these discoveries to create 5 subject lines for an email focused on how to double the conversion rate on your current email sequences.
HOT TIP: For longer Prompts:
You may find it easier to craft them in your favorite word processor, and then copy / paste it into ChatGPT.
Create content based on a template you supply.
Give it a template you want it to follow – and a specific request using that template – so it can generate more content based on that guidance.
Give it a role.
Supply a step-by-step template, briefly explaining the reasons behind each step. Make this concise and clear.
Verify that it understands the template. If it doesn’t, supply additional details until it says it understands.
Ask it to generate new content on [ TOPIC ] based on that template.
If necessary, supply details it needs to know to create the content.
Act as a skilled copywriter, with a specialty in crafting high-converting opt-in pages.
I would like you to follow this five step opt-in page template:
Do you understand the template? [IT WILL RESPOND]
I would like you to write an opt-in page – using this template – for a Webinar where I will be revealing secrets on how to increase sales and revenue from every webinar without using pushy or obnoxious sales techniques.
If it doesn’t do the job to your liking, you may want to offer a follow-up prompt with copy from a successful opt-in page using the template, and ask it to try again based on what it learned from you example.
If there is a popular template that’s generally known in your industry (like the AIDA Copy Template) you can simply provide the name of the template (without explaining it).
Train it to help you identify a more lucrative market.
Struggling with prospects who just don’t get your value? Or don’t have the money to pay you? It could be you are targeting the wrong folks.
Here’s how to enlist you AI to help you find the specific prospects who not only see your value, but pay you what you’re worth:
You are a genius at targeting and describing the ideal market for any business.
You are especially helpful fleshing out important characterisitcs of a business’ ideal clients and where you can find them – online and in person.
My business helps transformational professionals like healers, therapists and life coaches to find clients easily. But I am struggling because so many of them have fears about money, or don’t have the funds to pay me.
Can you come up with a target market description / profile for transformational professionals who aren’t struggling with finances and don’t have overwhelming fears about asking for money. So they are more able to make a decision to work with me.
Please make the description at least six paragraphs long, although you can go up to 12 paragraphs if you need to.
At the end of the description, please list 6 online communities and 6 organizations local to Southern California where I can connect with them.
Train it to craft an Irresistible Offer
Here’s a Prompt to train ChatGPT to help you generate a unique offer, complete with session titles and bonuses.
You can even ask it to come with with a unique approach to solving the problem the offer focuses on, and then flesh out the offer based on that approach.
Give it a role as an expert, knowledgeable about a specific niche. With a special talent for crafting irresistible offers that convert easily.
Provide concise but clear details about your business.
Ask it to come up with 3 unique, fresh approaches to solving the primary problem you help your clients with.
List the approaches that haven’t worked for you, so it knows to avoid those.
Ask it to craft a multi-session offer, including session names and bonuses based on the approach you selected.
Act as an expert in the fitness industry.
You are sought after for your innovative approaches that get clients motivated to enroll in programs and stick with them long enough to get results.
And a genius in packaging those offers so they sell like crazy.
I am a personal fitness trainer specializing in weight loss and increasing energy.
I struggle to enroll prospects who know they need to get in shape, but are bored with all the same old fitness pitches.
** They are tired of being lectured to.
** They don’t respond to hype.
** You can’t scare them into action with horror stories of what will happen if they don’t get in shape.
Promises that sound too good to be true – “lose 20 pounds in a month!” – turn them off.
They are desperately searching for a fresh approach that captures their attentiion and imagination. I need your help to give them that fresh approach.
Please come up with 3 fresh approaches, and explain why each would be perfect for women professionals in their 40s who are beginning to wonder if they will ever be able to get in shape.
I would like you to help me craft an offer for a six-week program, based on [ THE APPROACH YOU JUST SELECTED ].
Please come up with a catchy title and one paragraph description for each week of the program, along with benefits they receive .
Then come up with a list of five bonuses that are enticing, high-value and will help them make a decision to enroll in the program.
Yep, that was a long Prompt! So if your result isn’t as crisp as you want, you may need to break this long prompt down further:
- Assign role / expertise + Describe your business + Describe the problem you are having enrolling clients.
- Confirm that it understands …
- List the approaches / angles that have not worked in the past + Ask it for fresh approaches.
- Choose the approach you like best or ask it to come up with 3 more options
- Ask it to design the program + session titles / descriptions + bonuses.
- Ask it to name the bonuses.
To summarize:
This is only just a start. This post could have turned into an entire book. Are you beginning to see the sweeping implications an AI like Chat GPT can have on the profitability of your business when you know how to train it?
The potential for solving particularly sticky issues you may have struggled with for years is only limited by your imagination.
The important keys to remember in training ChatGPT are:
- Give it a role, describe that role, ask it to respond to your question from that role / persona.
- That role can include expertise / mastery in a specific area.
- Instead of just asking it a question, give it background or suggested details to train it on the specific kind of response you want.
- You may need to give it an example of what you’re looking for, as in the case where you want it to emulate your style of copy.
- You may need to give it a multi-step Prompt if the AI seems to be choking on the amount of detail you’re throwing at it at once.
- You can also train it by giving it a template, explaining the template and then asking it to respond to your direction using that template.
And one more thing (it’s important).
I always recommend rewriting / polishing every bit of copy you get from ChatGPT.
- It’s the best way to dial in that last once of authenticity. So it truly sounds like YOU.
- ChatGPT is educated by what’s online. So you’re never really sure whether its inserting someone else’s quote or a signature passage verbatim. You want to be able to protect yourself against accusations you copied their stuff.
- Search engine are pretty good at figuring out if your messaging is from you or AI. So rewriting can help insure anything you post online gets indexed.
Rewriting and tweaking is infinitely easier and faster than having to come up with the entire thing yourself.
And here’s what’s on the way in the rest of our series: