No matter where you’re from, what you’re interested in or what your dreams are, there’s one common factor that has its fingerprints on every dollar you spend:
It’s the reason we can’t stop scrolling on Facebook.
It’s why we go bonkers over the movies we watch and the series we’re addicted to.
It’s why we follow the folks we follow.
Hey, it can even influence the mattress we buy.
The reason? Stories don’t just “tell you” about a problem, a solution or a product. They:
Make it come alive.
Make it immediate.
Make it memorable.
Make it emotional.
Make it shareable.
And make it personal.
In just seconds.
What’s way cool is that ChatGPT can help you craft amazing stories that mesmerize and connect with your ideal prospects. And you’re going to discover how to use it to deliver awesome narratives.
Even if you don’t have a story-telling bone in your body.
But Rob, I’m in business. How can stories REALLY help me?
First – we’re wired for story. Each and every one of us. And each and every one of your prospects.
Before there was YouTube and streaming, there were movies and TV.
Before movies and TV, there was radio.
Before radio, there was theatre and performance.
Before theater, we were telling tales around the fire.
It’s in our DNA. If you’re alive (and you ideal audience is certainly alive and searching) stories are a great way to ensure they discover you.
Because stories not only mesmerize an audience and draw them in. They create the all-important emotional connection and impression that can be the difference between enrolling a client.
Or someone else enrolling them.
While 98% of AI users are flooding the zone with basic bland marketing copy, you’re going to stand out by using what hooks people:
What’s the best way to use AI to craft stories that help enroll clients?
Because we’re not creating movie blockbusters, we can keep this simple.
There are a few specific kinds of stories that will have the biggest impact on our business success:
- Stories about the problems you help solve.
- Stories about the symptoms of those problems you deliver relief for.
- Stories about outcomes you deliver and how your clients’ experience of life is enhanced because of those outcomes.
- Personal success / overcoming adversity stories from your own life.
- Success stories from clients.
To make crafting the stories easy (and much more effective) we’re going to break the creation process into a few ‘no-brainer’ steps that allow us to craft tons of stories all-at-once, lightning fast.
So instead of just one “Problem Story” your AI can craft 5, 10, 15 or more at a time.
So our productivity explodes and our resistance to crafting a treasure trove of compelling, revenue-boosting stories dissolves into thin air.
- Use ChatGPT to generate “Building Block Lists”.
- Use ChatGPT to create a storehouse of short narratives based on these lists.
- Refine the tone and impact of the narratives (if necessary) to ensure they connect emotionally, which skyrockets their impact.
The Key First Step Most Entrepreneurs Miss: Building Block Lists
Too many folks miss the power of ChatGPT by jumping right into their Prompts. Instead of generating lists of attributes or topics I call Building Blocks to focus on first.
So they’re ignoring the tremendous advantages of scale and speed ChatGPT brings to the table.
We won’t be making that mistake! So here are the categories of our story building blocks we’re going to focus on first:
PROBLEMS: The problems or challenges our prospects want to get rid of.
SYMPTOMS: The specific ways that problem shows up in their life.
OUTCOMES: The tangible payoffs they want instead, and what they get to experience when the problems are behind them.
And here are the prompts to generate lists of those Building Blocks:
What are the 15 biggest challenges [ your target market ] faces that keep them from [ primary outcome you make possible ].
What are the 15 biggest health challenges successful midlife women face that prevent them from having the energy they need to keep performing at an elite level?
What are the 15 most stressful situations middle managers in Fortune 500 companies face that prevent them increasing productivity and profitability?
Because symptoms are how your prospects actually experience the pain points, they will recognize them instantly.
What are the 15 most disruptive symptoms [ your target market ] experience when suffering from [ problem ]?
What are the 15 most disruptive symptoms successful midlife women experience when trying to maintain the energy they need to keep performing at an elite level?
What are the 15 most disruptive symptoms middle managers in Fortune 500 companies experience when dealing with stress of trying to increase productivity and profit?
These are the tangible payoffs your ideal client receives when the problems / pain points are no longer in the way.
What are the 10 most desirable outcomes [ your target market ] strives for in their quest to [ the primary outcome you make possible ]?
What are the 10 most desirable outcomes successful midlife women strive for in their quest to keep performing at a high level?
What are the 10 most desirable outcomes middle managers in Fortune 500 companies strive for in their quest to neutralize the stress of increasing productivity and profit?
Once that’s done, how do I generate the narratives?
Now that we have our Building Block Lists, instruct ChatGPT to create a 1-2 sentence story that makes each one come alive for our ideal prospects and followers.
For each of the [ problems/pain points, symptoms or outcomes ] you just listed, craft a [ 1 or 2 ] sentence story that illustrates the [ negative / positive ] impact it is having upon their lives. Please use an actual name for the person to make it feel more personal.
For each of the symptoms you just listed, craft a 1 sentence story that illustrates the negative impact that symptom is having upon their lives. Please use an actual name for the person to make it feel more personal.
For each of the outcomes you just listed, craft a 2 sentence story that illustrates the postive impact that symptom is having upon their lives. Please use an actual name for the person to make it feel more personal.
Can you see how generating a list FIRST dramatically increases the volume of content generated and decreases the amount of time it takes to create it?
So you now have a library of compelling narratives you can use in your emails, social media and sales copy!
Add a finishing touch by refining the tone and focus of the stories
One thing you will notice is Chat GPT returns factually correct responses. But they don’t fly off the page. There may not be enough emotion, electricity or pizazz.
So we’re now going to fix that with a Prompt, so your narratives are not only accurate but create a powerful connection with your followers:
That was a great start. But the stories don’t feel personal enough or convey the emotion the person in the story is experiencing. I’d like you to rewrite the stories, keeping the content and focus the same, but pump up the emotion by 50% [ or other percentage ] so we really feel the [ struggle / elation / other emotion ] the subject of the story is experiencing.
Are you starting to see by crafting your Building Block Lists first and then short stories from those lists – in a matter of minutes you can create a massive supply of powerful concise narratives you can use in your copy, social media and content!
You can also craft personal narratives from your journey and client success stories
You can go far beyond these shorter 1-2 sentence narratives to craft stories that trace an entire success arc, from struggle to triumph. These can be either:
** Stories from your own life.
** Success stories from clients.
It’s simple to have ChatGPT do most of the hard work in creating highly effective narratives that can increase interest and lead to greater conversions.
You will craft the Prompt by:
- Assigning it a role of a master storyteller.
- Listing the storyline, point-by-point.
- Asking it to craft the story.
- Specify the length of the story.
- Direct it to use a specific tone.
Act as a master storyteller, with an amazing ability to craft magnetic stories that trace personal journeys from struggle and failure to triumph and success.
These are the points of the story I want you to cover detailing the journey of my client [ name of client ].
[ List bullet points of your story here. Just the information – leave it to ChatGPT to make it magnetic ].
Please make the story no more than [X number of paragraphs ] in length.
Please use a [ describe the tone you want used ] tone in creating the story, and be sure to mention my client’s name in the story.
Act as a master storyteller, with an amazing ability to craft magnetic stories that trace personal journeys from struggle and failure to triumph and success..
These are the points of the story I want you to cover detailing the journey of my client Joanna.
- Arrived at work one morning to email that said her corporate position was being downsized due to budget cuts and she needed to clear out her desk by 11am.
- Devastated and lost, no prospects for a new job in a down economy.
- A friend took her to a networking event where I was speaking.
- Was inspired to see her layoff as an opportunity to do what she had always wanted.
- Hired me and really struggled at first.
- Had huge breakthrough with a talk I helped her develop and enrolled 3 clients at one gig.
- In six months she had replaced the income from her job and in less than a year she hit six-figures.
- Is planning on taking her dream 3-week vacation to Europe.
Please make the story no more than 4 paragraphs in length.
Please use a sympathetic, heartful tone in creating the story, and be sure to mention my client’s name in the story.
Notice how you don’t have to craft the story – just list the bullet points (this happened, and then that happened). Let ChatGPT weave that raw material into something amazing.
You can use this exact same prompt structure to craft a compelling success story from your own life as well.
If you’re feeling really ambitious ….
You can take these narrative nuggets and have ChatGPT weave them into a larger piece of copy you’re creating:
Blog post
Podcast outline
Sales Page
Long-form social media post
To summarize:
Sure, you might have been able to craft these stories yourself. But using ChatGPT saves you mountains of time, effort and sanity. And allows you to churn out stories at scale – from one sitting! That you can use for months or even years into the future.
The important keys to remember in crafting compelling stories with ChatGPT are:
- Stories make all your content come alive, and create a deep emotional connection with your followers that lead to sales.
- Start with the key step most folks miss: Creating lists of your market’s problems / pain points, the symptoms of those problems and pain points and outcomes you help deliver and how your clients’ experience of life is enhanced because of those outcomes.
- Then use ChatGPT to create a storehouse of short narratives based on your lists of building blocks.
- Refine the tone and focus of the narrtiaves (if necessary) so they connect emotionally, which skyrockets their impact.
- Create longer personal stories and client success narratives by creating bullet point story outlines and letting ChatGPT weave them into something magnetic and compelling.
And one more thing (it’s important).
I always recommend rewriting / polishing every bit of copy you get from ChatGPT.
- It’s the best way to dial in that last ounce of authenticity. So it truly sounds like YOU.
- ChatGPT is educated by what’s online. So you’re never really sure whether its inserting someone else’s quote or a signature passage verbatim. You want to be able to protect yourself against accusations you copied their stuff.
- Search engine are pretty good at figuring out if your messaging is from you or AI. So rewriting can help insure anything you post online gets indexed.
Rewriting and tweaking is infinitely easier and faster than having to come up with the entire thing yourself.
Be sure to catch each and every segment of our series: