OK … going to blow off a little steam here. (In a nice way). But I have a very important question for you:
Why, oh why are you doing this?
Because if you're an entrepreneur or business owner (or find yourself struggling to become one) there is a good chance you are doing something fundamentally wrong.
And its absolutely, positively, undeniably killing your business.
The good news is: There is one thing you can do to arrest this downward spiral. And accelerate the profitability of everything you do. That will kick in literally as soon as you get it done.
The bad news is: There is a good chance you are fighting it. And will continue to fight it. Tooth and nail.
Even though it requires no technical chops. Is something anyone can do. And it can have an epic impact on your bottom line.
But if you're tired of fighting … and ready for more success: listen up.
And this simple but powerful idea is this:
The bigger the outcome. The bigger the income.
Because its a fact. That is indisputable:
- If you are offering a really big outcome …
- That your best prospects want like crazy …
- That delivers them from challenges that have been haunting them for years …
- And delivers them to an outcome they are passionately yearning for …
… you are set. For life.
The problem is: Most of you aren't offering big outcomes. Even though you think you are.
Well all that changes. Right now. With three very simple (but powerful) ideas on how you can amplify and electrify the outcomes you offer. So that your prospects have no choice but to hop on board.
No I'm not getting suggestive here. Or talking about that old song by the Raspberries. (Remember the Raspberries?)
I am talking about dedicating your business to what your clients really want. Instead of something that only takes them halfway there.
Because the reality is, that final outcome is the only thing they are willing to pay for.
Lets put it this way:
- If you have a ticket to the Super Bowl, you don't just want to just party in the parking lot.
- If you have a pass to the Academy Awards, you don't just want to watch the stars parade down the Red Carpet.
- If you have backstage access to a Lady Gaga concert, you don't merely want to cool your heels in the Green Room.
You want to go inside. You want the big experience. The whole enchilada. Which is exactly what your prospects want.
The problem is … many of you are stopping one (or more) steps short of offering this. So is it any wonder your best prospects aren't exactly beating a path to your door?
Because your market doesn't want to be left at the altar. They don't want the intermediate step. They want the big outcome the intermediate step makes possible:
- People don't want clarity … they want what clarity makes possible.
- They don't want inifinite possibility … they want the one possibility that makes them feel infinite.
- They don't want the ability "to make the right decision in every situation" … they want the ONE BIG OUTCOME making the right decisions brings into their lives.
- They don't want to "achieve their dreams". They want the ONE DREAM they are willing to risk everything to achieve. That their life is incomplete without.
And when you are able to identify this … describe it … articulate it … and design your business to deliver it, you will be astounded just how fast the clients. And the money come.
The bigger the outcome, the bigger the income.
OK, its time for the boogie man. The thing you're really scared of.
Because the 10-second prescription to help you get higher profits. Is the one thing you will run from with everything you got.
Its time to come out of hiding. And declare what specific dream you are the gatekeeper to.
And not any dream. Because your prospects don't want "any dream". They want their dream. And when you can't get specific about just what that is, they will drop you like a hot potato.
But when you are able to precisely articulate the specific dream they are yearning for. The one they have been urgently striving to realize. And the one you specialize in delivering … the people who want it can't throw their money at you fast enough.
So come out of hiding. Take a deep breath. Consciously decide to focus on a specific group of people you want to help.
And the few specific, quantifiable, profoundly desired, 3D IMAX, technicolor, surround sound outcomes you help them achieve:
- Living and working in a part of the country (or even the world!) they love.
- Becoming a professional and highly paid artist, with galleries around the country clamoring to represent them.
- Earning a fabulous living by helping people heal from the loss of a loved one.
- Creating 5 or even 6-figures of extra income indulging their lifelong interest in photography.
- Finding that special someone they can love with everything they got. And spend the rest of their lives with.
Specific, profound, verifiable outcomes that have an irresistible emotional impact on your audience. That improve their lives in a way that is undeniable.
And while you may believe you are throwing 95% of your market under the bus, the reality is: Hidden inside these more focused, impactful outcomes is the multi-million dollar business you've been searching for.
Because when your market understands that you know, not only what they have been going through trying to achieve their dream. But EXACTLY what that dream is. Not only can they not whip out their credit cards fast enough. But most objections to what you are charging go right out the window.
Because the bigger the outcome … the bigger the income.
Congratulations! You're most of the way there. But one final blind spot is tripping you up. (And if you are a coach, mentor, consultant or other helping professional, you need to listen especially close.):
Because many of you are passionate about the process of transformation. You have trained in it. Specialized in it. Studied it with microscopic attention to detail and dedication. And are pouring your energy into selling this process every chance you get.
The problem is, your prospects could care less about the process of transformation. What they care passionately about is the outcome the transformation makes possible.
So is it any wonder they aren't buying? Because the thing you are most focused on is the thing they are least interested in. (At least the ones who can pay for it).
But here is where the rescue posse comes in:
When you simply take your attention off of selling what you are crazy about (the process) and put it on selling what your prospects are crazy about (the outcome the process makes possible) everything changes.
And the wild thing is:
Once they believe you are the one they are searching for, who can take them to the outcome they yearn for, they will gladly go through any process you throw at them.
But the crucial thing you MUST understand (if you want to stay in business, that is) is you have to sell the outcome FIRST, before you can guide them through the process necessary to get there.
It sounds simple. But it works like magic.
The bigger the outcome, the bigger the income.
Here is the thing … unless you get this, almost nothing else matters. Trying to build your business without doing it, is like putting your foot on the accelerator and the brake at the same time.
And the crazy thing is, although you can get it done this afternoon, most business owners never will.
In almost eight years of being in business, I have found clients resist tooth and nail doing this one simple thing that can virtually insure their profitability.
In fact, I have even seen people actually give up on their business dream, rather than make this simple decision.
Its tragic. Because there isn't anything that can turn your business around faster.
Look, Oprah can read the phone book and people will pay to watch her do it. We aren't so lucky. So until you become Oprah, the fastest way to grow your business isn't social media. It isn't Facebook ads. It isn't the latest behind-the- back, between-the-legs whiz-bang gadget.
Its simply getting in front of the rampaging freight train of desire that represents the most important outcomes your best prospects want. And positioning yourself and your business as the most effective gateway to satisfying that desire, once and for all.
The bigger the outcome. The bigger the income.
And you can take that to the bank.
WOW! You certainly nailed this one, Rob! Absolutely fabulous blog post. Makes me want to get back into all my marketing materials and tighten it all up. You're right, people want the DESTINATION!!!
Thank you!
Thank you, Michelle. When you can really articulate the Ultimate Destination your marketing is pining for … and when you can position yourself as the gatekeeper to that destination … you can expect your results to skyrocket. Glad this gave you a boost!
Rob ALWAYS has a way of saying HONESTLY, "but kindly" what we need to hear "without" making us feel like failures.
This is a hard lesson to learn but an easy one to implement. It has taken me ages to begin to get there, but now – thanks to Rob – I feel really good about knowing the 'heart' of my business – what people want and how I can help them get there. Suddenly it all seems a lot easier and a lot more fun.
Thanks for this Rob.
Yes, Patricia. This is one of those ideas that can take awhile to really "get" and integrate. But once you do, it has an amazing effect on everything in your business. List building. Response. And of course, profits.
Rob, this distinction is pure gold. Thank you!
Somehow, Rob, you are able to slap me upside the head and FINALLY get the message I've heard before but never really heard. I'm bookmarking this so that I can read it over and over and I'm going to schedule time in TODAY to work on this. Thanks!
Hi Linda — Hopefully it was a gentle slap! Great idea that you are looking for ways to apply this immediately. So often when we are inspired we say, "Wow, when I can find time I am going to work on this". But that time never comes. Best to jump in immediately. Excited to see what develops for you.
I've been in practice for 30 years and I've never heard it put quite like that. I believe I do it already, but you've strengthened my focus on it. Very powerful!
Hi Judy — Wow, 30 years! Congratulations! And glad this post provided one more tool in your toolbox.
Thanks for the direct slap! I need to focus to find the words to explain all that I provide … and it will happen 🙂 Happy New Year!
Rob, thank you sir! This is very powerful advice because I have found myself constantly talking features of the process to differentiate my career coaching. I do that because it is the process that does allow me to get results sooner. But you're right. When looking for a coach, they don't care about that. They just want to know if you can get them where they want to go.
Hi Tom — How are you?
Alot of us get caught in the "feature trap". And sometimes too many features, no matter how terrific they are, can overwhelm our prospects.
I have found features can be powerful if you immediately connect them to the results they produce. So your prospects aren't asking, "So what?" But always connect something they passionately desire to the feature you mention.