It seems like everyone wants to do an online Black Friday Sale. How do I know?

Because of the number of folks who have approached me in just the last few weeks asking me:

“Is this right for me?”

The answer is not as simple as you might believe.

While it looks like everyone is jumping on this once-a-year promotion window, it may be a really awful idea for YOU.

To get this sorted out, we’re going to look at reasons why this could be a game changer for you. Or how it could be a back breaker instead.

First, let’s look at the really lousy reasons to do a Black Friday Promotion:

“Everyone’s doing it!!!”

[ Or “Everyone’s telling me to do it!” ]

Look, people are going to tell you to do any number of things.

Especially in the online world where there’s so much sizzle, and not a lot of steak.

And here’s what I’ve learned from working with hundreds of entrepreneurs:

8 out of 10 things people say you “must” do, are not going to work out.

Because you’re not just anyone. You’re YOU.

You’re at your own unique place in the development of your business. Which may or may not dovetail with the benefits of a Black Friday Promotion.

So if a friend or colleague is telling you to jump into the pool, ask them “Why is this a good idea for me? Why are you so sure?”

And listen carefully if the reasons they give actually apply to you.
Or are just more online hot air.

“It’s not my highest Impact Opportunity …”

… but wow, it sure looks like fun!

Many businesses die on the vine (or stumble badly) chasing opportunities.

Because every opportunity you commit to, takes time, energy and resources away from another path you could have committed to.

Sure you might make a couple hundred or a thousand extra bucks doing a promotion.

But if you put that same time and energy into a higher payoff activity, it could lead to tens of thousands in revenue.

Because even a ‘quickie’ Black Friday Promotion takes time and energy. Emails must be written. Sales pages crafted. Shopping carts set up and tested. Offers crafted. Support staff engaged and directed.

So your big question should be: Is this the highest impact offering on your radar screen? Or is there something else that could payoff in a bigger way if you devoted your time and energy there?

It’s crucial to evaluate opportunities based on what makes the biggest impact. And a Black Friday Promo is no exception.

“I’ll pull something off my hard drive to offer”

  [ Throwing anything at your audience is a fast track to failure ]

Black Friday Promotions are a very unique animal.

They are a high-value product or service, offered at a great rate for a limited time.

They usually have to be a no-brainer offer because there isn’t the time to do a big drawn out launch, webinar or challenge.

It has to be immediately compelling because your audience is getting a ton of other offers thrown at them at the same time.

Black Friday offers are not something you drag off your hard drive and throw out into the universe hoping it works.

They’re an impulse buy: A snap easy decision for your market to make, without the all bells and whistles usually associated with launching an offer.

And if you don’t have something that fits the bill, it’s best that you pass it up.

“This should be easy. how hard can it be?”

[ You don’t want to know the answer to that question ]

Black Friday offers tend to work best when you have a larger following with a history of buying from you.

And have a lot of experience crafting offers you know they go ga-ga over.

It’s not that you can’t be successful without these things in place.

But it tends to be more of a crap shoot. And you’re setting yourself up for a steep uphill climb.

  • Because first you have to get your audience to open your emails.
  • Then they have to click through to the landing page.
  • Then they have to read the details of your offer.
  • And then buy your offer.

Without relying on a webinar, masterclass, livestream or challenge that grease the skids for more conversions.

What I’m saying is – Yes, these promotions seem like easy money.

That’s only because the folks who are successful are highly skilled at crafting seductive offers and promotions. And have a larger audience to get them in front of.

If this feels like a buzz kill, that’s not the intention.

I’m just trying to temper your enthusiasm with a little reality.

So if you decide to jump in, you do it with your eyes wide open, have done your due diligence, and have a high probability of success.

So … would you know when it’s a GREAT idea to do a Black Friday Offer?

Keep your eye on your in box because I’ll be sending that down the pipeline to you in just a few days.

Want to see if a Black Friday Offer might be exactly what gives your holiday sales a shot in the arm?  Check out the 3 Crucial Components you must have in place for Black Friday Blockbuster Success.