It’s 100% the truth:
You can have a massive audience. A precision engineered funnel. An amazing five-day challenge. A bonkers webinar.
All of that … and more.
But if you don’t zero in on three things first – your results will be brutally disappointing.
The success of your funnels, webinars, and challenges all rely on the strength of your M-O-M: Your messaging, your offer and your market.
If you have those three dialed in, you can make sales waiting in line at the supermarket.
If you don’t have them, even the most hopeful launch can end up in the ditch.
If you’ve been there, I’d like to prevent you from going back. And if you’ve never been there I’d like to help you stop it from happening in the first place.
By showing you how your M-O-M is your ticket to money.

Your Message
Your messaging is not just an hook or tagline. The goal is not to be cute and clever.
The goal of your messaging is to:
- Target the exact problems your ideal client is struggling with.
- Describe the outcomes they want instead.
- And position your specific offer as the bridge between the two.
In a way that triggers interest, attention and desire with so much impact they to believe “She’s talking to me!”
Your messaging is the leading edge of what attracts them to you. It’s the emotionally compelling story that buys you time to go into greater detail about your impact and prevents them from tuning out.
Messaging is almost entirely emotion driven. Which is why so many of us get it wrong.
Our desire to lead with way too many details BEFORE we’ve created emotional buy-in is one of the primary reasons our efforts fall flat.
And the key to great messaging is not to jump the gun. But to focus entirely on drawing your prospect towards you.
By creating the sense of possibility that eventually leads to a sale.
Think of it as the movie trailer that makes you want to see the movie, rather than telling you every detail and twist of what the movie is about.

The Offer
Your offer is the bridge between the problem your prospect is struggling with, and the outcome they’d rather have instead.
It’s is also the place entrepreneurs stub their toe by getting lost in endless details about the offer itself.
Instead, focus on its impact, what it makes possible and as a doorway to the life or experience they’ve dreamed of.
The key to a successful offer is creating a direct link between every single element of the offer and either:
• A problem or symptom it resolves.
• An outcome or result it makes possible.
• A yearned for or valued experience it delivers to their door.
Offers that are simply a laundry list of stuff and features don’t create a rising sense of expectation.
And the anticipation of a positive outcome that is so important to a higher close rate.
Your offer is not a creation, it’s a response.
A response to the current discomfort of your prospect and the yearned for outcome they’re seeking. It provides the support and resources so they feel their goal is not only possible, but probable.
Because every element of a great offer is designed to make that goal feel within reach, it works ignites their desire for your solution. Which takes them a big leap closer to investing in it.

The Market
Great messaging and a perfect offer still fall short unless they’re directed towards the right market.
Walk up to a stranger on the street and offer to sell them a rope for $100, and they’ll look at you like they’re crazy.
Walk up to someone hanging off a cliff and do the same, and they will jump at the chance.
The hottest message and best offer directed towards the wrong market = Disaster.
The right market is not just a market segment description.
It’s a market segment that is ALREADY searching for a solution due to an existing problem or predicament they must escape. And ALREADY yearning for an answer that puts that problem to bed for good.
Which means:
There is pre-existing desire and urgency.
They’re already in the search for a solution or about to start one.
The situation your offer resolves is already top of mind for them.
In other words, they’re already in motion towards making a decision before they know your offer event exists.
So there is a receptive place for your offer to land. And a much higher probably they say Yes.
So … to recap:
Funnels, leads, challenges are webinars are great.
But they’re only multipliers. They are not the foundational elements that make building your business easier.
Having an incredible message and offer in place, directed towards the right audience reduces friction and resistance and makes sales happen faster.
The more they can see that your program is in their best interest …
That its the one thing they’ve been searching for …
That they’ve been hoping someone would come up with …
The more likely you’ll enfoll a lot more clients. And enjoy more profitable programs, launch after launch.
Rob- You are always on target! Thanks for this reminder.
Thank you Liz! Glad this was helpful.