It can make you want to tear your hair out.
Your offer was amazing. You couldn’t wait to get it out in front of people. But the response is worse than you could have imagined.
When an offer isn’t working, it not only can make you doubt the offer, but question yourself and your value as well.
And the heartbreaking truth is you can waste months or even years trying to fix it.
But you may be tweaking exactly wrong thing.
If your car has a flat tire, it won’t help to put more gas in the tank. And if your offer isn’t working, the problem may not be your offer.
It may be your audience!
High-level clients who see the impact of what you do will pay many times the amount nickel-and-dimers are telling you is too much.
And here are three ways to find them connect with them:

Affluent prospects = affluent places
It’s been said in every room you walk into, 10 to 20% of the folks can pay you a premium.
But wouldn’t it be better to target venues where 50% or more have the resources and motivation to pay for your highest ticket services?
One of the keys to make this happen is being more creative in finding these prestige venues.
Years ago, a client was struggling to move people to pay her fee.
And one venue we locked onto was a place you may never have thought of: Charity Fundraisers.
Think about it: If folks can pay thousands for seat at a fancy lunch or dinner, some of them will do the same for your services.
You increase your chances for success matching the focus of the event to your ideal audience.
For a fraction of what you might pay for a sponsorship (where you can’t be sure everyone in attendance can afford you) you could attend a charity fundraiser where you know in advance that’s not a problem.
Apply this level of outside-the-box thinking to come up with three or four other venues and kaboom! An influx of high-ticket prospects.
If you’re struggling, enlist AI to help you find these spot-on venues.

Catch them at the right time
Even a great offer can fail when you catch your prospect at the wrong time.
I’ve had several clients who were passionate about helping retirees to find new careers where they could make money, fulfill a dream and continue to explore and grow.
But we discovered something unexpected:
Once people retire, it’s a lot more challenging to motivate them to go after something new.
Even if its a dream, and even if they are bored golfing every day.
That situation reverses when you reach prospects who are approaching retirement, and apprehensive about the lack of challenge, or turning their back on something new and special they’d love to try.
So the best time to pitch someone on this idea is BEFORE they retire, when their anxiety is the highest.
It’s the same when you’re helping people make a substantial career change.
If you catch them after they have either been laid off or quit their job, they often clamp down on any spending. Even when its for you to help them out of their situation.
While if you catch them when they still have an income stream, not only is it easier to pay you.
But that nasty, unfulfilling job is in their face, motivating them to take action.
Never ignore the importance of positioning your offer at time your prospect is most likely to go for it.

They’re Closer than you think
Finally, your high ticket prospects might not be in some exotic locale, but an arm’s length away from where you already are.
Case in point: A mentor of mine used to attend live industry events. But spend a minimum time amount of time at the event itself.
He would rest during the day so he could be fresh to spend evening hours in the hotel bar chatting up the attendees:
Buying them drinks.
Getting hot tips from the attendees on what was working for them.
And making connections that led to a lot of new business.
He didn’t have to go searching far and wide. He just had to change his focus from going to the event to learn new ideas for his business, to going to the event to get new clients for his business.
Final Words and a BIG Announcment!
There’s nothing wrong with reworking an offer that’s falling flat. But it may not be where the problem lies.
Most entrepreneurs would substantially boost their income focusing on who is ideal for their offer and getting it in from of them.
Instead of getting taking another over-creation detour, brainstorming cool new ideas that may also fall flat.
If you need some help making this happen:
I’m putting the finishing touches on a fresh new update of the High-End Clients Matchmakers Guide – the featured freebie on my website.
We’ve kept the best tips from the previous version, and added a boatload of all-new ideas.
Including a few AI prompt structures to help you uncover the ideas and avenues that can enroll these clients faster.
It’s coming down the pipe soon!
Keep your eyes open. If you’re already on my mailing list, you’ll be notified how to access It.