Do You Have a 5-Year Plan … but not a 5-Day Plan?
I don’t think I’m letting you in on a big secret when I say that entrepreneurs are creation machines. Because we're creative, we tend to have have an over blown view of what we must have to be successful: A lot of products A weekly podcast And a big blog. And of...

3 Simple Steps to REAL ZINGER Subject Lines with AI
It’s happened to me. And it may have happened to you. You’re crafting messaging for your next big thing. And it doesn't just have too be good. It has to be spectacular. Unfortunately ... everything you’ve come up with feels like a bad parody from Saturday Night Live....

Trigger Words to Feed Your AI – Make your bottom line happy with phrases that convert
So ... what good is a hot new tool if all it does is paper over the problems it's designed to solve? That's the biggest complaint I hear about using AI for copy. "If AI copy sounds as awkward as my own ... why bother?" That's where having a full tank of...

The Hot 50 List – Low-tech high-touch path to connect with high-ticket difference makers
I know: You're being flooded with messages urging you to hop on the AI bandwagon. And they're not wrong. But ... ... that doesn't mean you should abandon high-touch avenues that have worked for decades. And will continue to work for decades. Because the fastest way to...

And the winner of our “One Prompt to Rule Them All!” contest is …
The the biggest obstacle to maxing-out the impact of AI is knowing exactly what you want it to do. And making sure what you ask gets you closer to the ideal result you want. If you mess this up at the start, there’s a good chance you will end up as stuck and confused...

Amazing Prompt: Pump out 10 videos in 20 minutes
Frozen. Again. And it isn’t the first time. You had an awesome idea for a video you knew your audience would love. And the exact words that would set the world on fire. So you fired up your camera, pointed it at your face and … Nothing. The words that you were so sure...

My 5 Favorite AI Influencers
Any time there’s a big new wave sweeping through your life it can feel intimidating. Scary. Unsettling. Especially when that wave is running run through the heart of your business - the thing you depend on for your livelihood and your future. So it can be really...

3 Trigger Word Prompts: Using AI to fill your tank with copy conversion rocket fuel
“The words were right on the tip of my tongue … “ And then they weren’t. Yep, it’s another tearing-your-hair-out night trying to dash off that email, post or lading page that’s a winner. Except what’s coming out of your head sounds like what you’ve heard a thousand...