My 5 Favorite AI Influencers
Any time there’s a big new wave sweeping through your life it can feel intimidating. Scary. Unsettling. Especially when that wave is running run through the heart of your business - the thing you depend on for your livelihood and your future. So it can be really...
3 Trigger Word Prompts: Using AI to fill your tank with copy conversion rocket fuel
“The words were right on the tip of my tongue … “ And then they weren’t. Yep, it’s another tearing-your-hair-out night trying to dash off that email, post or lading page that’s a winner. Except what’s coming out of your head sounds like what you’ve heard a thousand...
Stop Nickel-and-Diming Your Business to Death
So ... it happened again. And this time you're wondering if its the last time. Another client came to you, wanting another small task for too little money. Yes it pays the bills. But leaves you unfulfilled, with no path to a financially rewarding business that not...
The Problem with Road Maps … and how to get past it
On paper it sounds awesome: I’m talking about all the “road maps” designed to help you achieve an outcome you really want. The problem with road maps is there’s usually a lot of steps. Explanations. Complexity. Because … well … achieving big impact results isn’t easy....
Where have all the high end clients gone? 4 keys to find more of them
It sounds so simple. So straight forward: Enroll a bunch of high end clients, at your premium rates. (You know … the ones that say yes without all those messy objections). Watch the money roll in. Rinse and repeat. So why does finding them feel harder than hunting...
4 Cool AI Tools I’ve Got My Eye On
If the parade seems never-ending ... it is. Watching YouTube videos on advancements in AI was fun when there were only a few of them a month. But with hundreds pouring down on you every week, it makes you wonder if it's ever going to stop. So I had an idea:What if I...
The crucial element your High Ticket Programs MUST have
It’s the holy grail for entrepreneurs - creating a hot high ticket program that actually sells. You make lots of money. Your clients get huge results. Your position in the market goes through the roof so you can continue to attract premium clients willing to pay you...
The Fraud Factor – And how to leave it behind, once and for all.
It's one of the biggest issues holding many of us back from launching fully into our business success. That not only suffocates us with fear and doubt. But keeps us locked in the cycle of learning and preparing. Instead of the producing and profiting. And it all...