Frozen. Again.
And it isn’t the first time.
You had an awesome idea for a video you knew your audience would love. And the exact words that would set the world on fire.
So you fired up your camera, pointed it at your face and …
The words that you were so sure would tumble out flawlessly … stuck in your throat.
The good news is I’ve figured a way past this and other video fears and freakouts. It’s so simple, you’ll wonder why you haven’t thought of it before.
Because while many of us struggle to articulate ideas in front of a camera. Or lose our audience because we take take too long to that get to the point.
That never happens when we are being interviewed.
We are concise.
We are confident.
We aren’t afraid to express our unique point of view.
Instead of going into “Oh crap, I have to create a video!” mode.
We go into “Hey, I’ll just answer this question!” mode.
To take advantage of this crazy quirk in human nature, why not create all your videos as answer to questions?
Better yet …
Why not have your favorite AI pop you a continual series of questions your ideal clients are asking – so you can answer them in 60-90 seconds!
And pump out 10 videos in less time than it took you to create one!
So you can upload them to:
Instagram Reels.
YouTube Shorts.
Even LinkedIn and Facebook.
Here’s all you need to do to make this work:
- Access to your favorite AI (ChatGPT or Claude recommended – the FREE versions work great!)
- A camera set up and ready to go. Your phone will do just fine.
- The prompts I am about to give you.
- And a willingness to just dive in and answer the questions.
Here’s the Prompt, in two parts. Make sure you follow the instructions exactly and be sure to fill in the blanks:
I am going to ask you to generate a list for me. But before we do that, I want to make sure you understand 3 important rules:
1. Don’t give me the entire list at once.
2. Give me one item of the list at a time.
3. Do not give me the next item until I type GO NEXT in the prompt field.
Does that make sense? [ PRESS RETURN ]
[ It will say it understands ]
You will need to fill in your own details [ between the blue brackets. ]
Act as an expert with powerful insights into the challenges, problems and obstacles [ members of your target market ] face in [ achieving the goal you help them with ].
My ideal clients are [ brief one-sentence description of your ideal client ] who struggle with:
[A] [ Primary problem, challenge or obstacle. ]
[B] They also struggle with [ Additional problem, challenge or obstacle. ]
Please come up with 15 questions my market is asking about the challenges and obstacles they face with [A] and [B] above, that I can answer in 90 seconds or less.
Example: [ Give the AI an example of the kind of question that would work well. You will get better questions if you give an example. ]
Please follow the initial rules I just gave you to give me one question at a time.
So … what happens next?
You guessed it! After you enter GO NEXT the first time, your AI will feed you one question … and stop. Then:
1. Turn on your camera.
2. Answer the question in 60-90 seconds.
3. Turn off your camera.
4. Press GO NEXT in your AI to have it feed you the next question.
5. Record the video by answering that question.
6. Press GO NEXT in your AI to have it feed you the next question.
7. Rinse and repeat until you’ve rattled off 10 videos.
8. Trim your videos as necessary.
BOOM! You did it!
Let’s make this even easier:
Here’s an example of the second part of the prompt, with all the blanks filled in so you can get a feel for it. The “fill-in-the-blank” parts are highlighted in blue:
Act as a marketing expert with precise insights into the challenges, problems and obstacles entrepreneurs face in starting a business.
My ideal clients are solo-entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs with a small team (2-5 people) who struggle with:
[A] Crafting compelling offers that are Instantly desired and have a high conversion rate.
[B] They also struggle crafting the messaging and positioning that distinguishes these offers in the marketplace.
Please come up with 15 questions my market is asking about the challenges and obstacles they face with [A] and [B] above.
“Can you give me 1 or 2 ideas to communicate my offer in a concise compelling way so people have an instant positive response?”
Please follow the initial rules I just gave you to give me one item at a time.
GO NEXT [ Press Return ]
Now, you may be wondering:
Why do you ask it for 15 questions if you’re only making 10 videos?
If you’ve worked with AI for any period of time, you know it’s not always perfect. So you want to leave a little room for misfires.
Having a few extra questions in tank will ensure you stay in flow if a few of them aren’t in your wheelhouse.
Just enter GO NEXT and move on the next one.
And why one at a time? Why not all 15 questions at once?
Because interviewers never ask you 15 questions at once. The key that makes this work is keeping you in the moment, so your over-thinking reflex doesn’t kick in.
Does it really give you questions you can answer in 90 seconds?
You decide!
“How can I identify the unique value proposition of my offer to make it stand out in a crowded market?”
“What are some effective ways to quickly capture my audience’s attention with my offer?”
“How can I test if my offer is compelling enough before launching it to a wider audience?”
“What strategies can I use to convey the urgency and importance of my offer to potential customers?”
“How do I find the right language and tone that resonates with my target audience?”
“What are some common mistakes to avoid when crafting the messaging for my offer?”
”How can I effectively differentiate my offer from similar products or services in the market?”
While some of these questions are better than others, ALL of them are questions my market is asking.
And all of them will make great videos when I answer them!
The interview / question format lets me dive right in and highlight the most important points my audience is looking for quickly.
If you feel the question was especially juicy … RIDE THE FLOW!
After you record your 60-90 second answer, record an additional longer video answering the question in greater depth. So you can knock out long-form content and short-form video in the same setting.
Final takeaways …
Human nature is filled with quirks like this:
- Trying to create a video – hard.
- Making a video of me answering a question – easy.
Successful people take advantage of openings like this to be more productive, increase their reach, make a bigger impact and of course – make more money.
While you may currently be using AI to come up with results – headlines, subject lines, copy, timetables – the really large payoffs are going to come with instances like this:
Where you use it as an advisor. Or to actually interact with it, as we did here.
It may take you awhile to come up with the prompt that allows this interaction.
But how much is it worth to you to create on-target videos quickly and confidently – without any self-conscious jitters?
Coming up with prompts like this is key to seeing your results from AI soar! And I will be sharing more of them in the future to help you create a more lucrative more fulfilling business!
This is fantastic Rob, thanks for sharing
You’re welcome Sarah. Glad this hit the spot!
This is brilliant! Thanks for sharing your ideas so generously.
That’s awesome Sandra! So glad this was valuable for you.