Your AI-crafted copy may be saving you a boatload of time and effort. But for most folks there’s still something missing.

(That’s the biggest complaint I hear about using AI for copy.)

Which is why having prompts to generate a full tank of magnetic conversion-friendly Trigger Words and Phrases can help.

The best way to up the connection energy of your copy fast is a stockpile of phrases that do just that.

And I want to show you the exact AI prompts that deliver them to your doorstep.

Over the last few months, I revealed prompts for 6 crucial categories of Trigger Words. And now I’m giving you my final set of 3 more.

Use them in your favorite AI copy tool to generate 15 (or more) phrases that ignite the conversion spark that turns skeptics to sales.

Before we start …

The AI tools I use most often for copy and messaging are Chat GPT and Claude.

I prefer Claude because it seems to have a creative heart and a real flair for fun and fresh marketing copy. I’m often pleasantly surprised with angles it gives me I wouldn’t have considered.

But the recent Chat GPT models have closed the gap.  If you don’t already have a preference, I would recommend trying both – and see which tips the scales for you.

Not every suggestion from an AI will float your boat. But it comes up with a lot of suggestions FAST. So even if only 30% of the suggestions it generates are spot on, the advantage that gives you is huge.

Outcome | Reward | Money

The ultimate destination for your prospects is the outcome or reward they receive from your products and programs. And the words that convey these possibilities are powerful triggers to increase their interest.

The power of your payoff has a direct impact on the success of your offer. And the words you use to articulate the payoff can tip the scales towards the response you want.


“Act as a masterful marketing copy writer, skilled at creating emotionally compelling copy that moves people to buy. I am looking for words or short phrases that:

•  Create a sense impending reward. 
•  Induce a desire for a potent payoff and solution.
•  Create a tangible sense of positive expectancy for that solution.

Examples of these phrases:

•  Bonanza
•  Goldmine
•  Fortune

Feel free to use longer phrases provided they create the intended impact.

To make them more relevant, have them apply to [ this specific offer ].

Please come up with 25 words or short phrases that fulfill this goal.”


In the prompt above, examples of [ this specific offer ] might include:

“A home study course on email list building.”

“A six-week program on monetizing social media.”

“A revolutionary approach to fitness and weight loss.”

“An irresistible lead magnet: 7 AI Tools that catapult your conversions.”

It’s rare that every word or phrase it returns will be a home run.  A cool trick is to identify the one result that really connects with you, tell the AI exactly what you liked about it, and ask it to create more options like the one you like best in a follow-up prompt.


I really like [ the specific result you liked best ]. It conveys [ elaborate on exactly what you liked about it – the more specific direction you can give it, the better ]. Please come up with 15 additional phrases that capture that spirit.

Security | Safety

Change and possibility are exciting! They can also induce uncertainty and anxiety when investments of time and money are involved.  lt’s especially true when other similar solutions your clients tried have failed, often in costly ways.

Words that convey safety and security encourage your prospects to move towards working with you, instead of remaining on the sidelines.


“Act as a masterful marketing copy writer, skilled at creating emotionally compelling copy that moves people to buy. I am looking for kinetic, exciting words or short phrases that: 

•  Instill a sense of confidence and certainty your offer will deliver.
•  Move prospects out of fear and into excitement and anticipation.
•  Create a sense of ease and calm about your solution, free from worry.

Examples of these phrases:

•  Time-tested
•  Surefire
•  Reliable and respected
•  Trusted and proven

Feel free to use longer phrases as long as they create the intended impact.

To make them more relevant, have them apply to [ this specific offer ].

Please come up with 25 words or short phrases that fulfill this goal.”

In the prompt above, examples of [ this specific offer ] might be:

“A home study course on email list building.”

“A six-week program on monetizing social media.”

“A revolutionary approach to fitness and weight loss.”

“An irresistible lead magnet: 7 AI Tools that catapult your conversions.”

You can use a similar follow-up prompt that we presented in our first example to ask for more results matching the one you like best.

Pain | Struggle

I knew this one would be controversial! But using pain / struggle words is an indispensable asset in your Trigger Word arsenal.

First: It connects with them at a very deep level by letting them know you completely understand what they’re going through. And are genuinely interested in helping them get to the other side of that struggle.

Second: It creates a deeply felt contrast or “gap” between how they currently feel and how they want to feel when their problem is solved. And the more immediate this feeling, the greater the desire for something that helps them bridge that gap.


“Act as a masterful marketing copy writer, skilled at creating emotionally compelling copy that moves people to buy. I am looking for words and short phrases that: 

•  Instill hope in prospects their goal can be achieved with greater ease and less struggle.
•  Connect them with a streamlined path to what they want
•  Help them envision their goal as a forgone conclusion.

Examples of these phrases include:

•  Gut Wrenching
•  Frustrated
•  Overwhelmed

Feel free to use longer phrases as long as they create the intended impact.

To make them more relevant, have them apply to [ this specific offer ].

Please come up with 25 words or short phrases that fulfill this goal.”

As with the first prompt, you can single out the one result that works best, tell the AI exactly what you liked about it, and ask it to create more options like that one in a follow-up prompt:


I really like [ the specific result you liked best ] because [ the primary reason you preferred it ]. Please come up with 15 additional phrases that capture that spirit.

In some cases the results may not reflect the vibe you were looking for. If that’s the case, you can ask a follow-up prompt to revise the tone:


Thank you for these results. They feel a bit too poetic / creative / ethereal / dull / mediocre [ or insert your preferred descriptive words here ]. Could you try again – and create 15 more – but make them more / less [ what you liked / didn’t like about the previous results ]?

So … it’s time to roll these out!

A huge plus about these prompts is you can:

  • Use them to get a list of options quickly (in a minute or less).
  • Use them on something you are working on now. You don’t need to wait until you’re diving into some massive project to have them work with you.

Would like to see prompts for 6 Trigger Word Categories I posted previously?

You can find the first set of Trigger Word Prompts HERE.
You can find the second set HERE.