If you’re an entrepreneur, there’s a good chance you’re reading this at 9 at night. Or maybe it’s 10. Or even 11 … 

Because there’s so much to do, the only way to get it all done is to keep things cranking into the wee hours.

Yes, you were willing to put in crazy hours to get things going. But then the whoosh of money was supposed to take over.

And that whoosh is overdue.

But the problem isn’t what you have to do to get that rush of sales and clients. It’s what you believe you have to do.

And I’m going to respectfully suggest there’s a better way.

This post is for you if:

  •  You don’t mind putting in the work. You’re just frustrated the rewards are trickling in way too slow.
  • You’d love to find a simpler way that might actually be way more profitable.
  • You’re open to considering you can actually make a bigger impact by offering less.

Because when I was starting out, I was a lot like a lot of you.

I was a creative dynamo.
I had all these ideas and ambitions.

And darn it, I was gonna make it happen because that’s what entrepreneurs do.

But all my creativity, ideas and projects were driving me right into the ground.

The breaking point came when I launched an awesome 4-session course on creating passive revenue with audio products (which is what I was doing back then).

And only 4 people showed up.

Sometimes your dream has to crash before it can be revived. And here are the five steps that revived things for me.  That created more success by doing less.

The Fortune is in the focus

 way Back when my mega-program was tanking, there was another well-known entrepreneuer whose products weren’t tanking.  And I couldn’t figure out why hers weren’t while mine were.

My product was bigger. It had more sessions. It had more bonuses. It was all-encompassing.

They problem was:  It wasn’t what my clients wanted.

And I discovered the hard way that offering more doesn’t mean you make more.

Because this other entrepreneur was making a killing with simple focused 90-minute courses that were offering her followers so much less. But they were exactly the things they wanted most.

When I was networking, I noticed my prospects didn’t want to create the massive bloated audio products I teaching about.

They wanted to make:

** Guided Visualization CDs.
And they wanted to make money from their live presentations.

So instead of my bloated mega-course, I began to offer focused 90-minute courses on (you guessed it):

Guided Visualization CDs
Making Money with Live Presentations.

And my revenue doubled. And then it quadrupled.  

I had discovered the magic of making more by offering less. And I never looked back.

Don’t just give them a program, give them a win

The amazing thing is when you get focused on the outcome your offer provides, it makes your client feel they can get the outcome they want quickly.

It’s doable. It’s possible. And it’s real!

So when they bought my program, they weren’t buying buying a bunch of stuff, hoping for the best. They were buying a streamlined, ‘signed, sealed, delivered’ path to what they wanted most.

They were getting a WIN.
Not just more stuff to gum up their hard drive

I know its tempting to throw the kitchen sink at your audience, hoping they buy. After all you know so much. And there are so many ways to help.

But hope doesn’t enroll clients.

And more isn’t always better.

In fact, in today’s noisy and confusing environment, the clearer you make the path to the outcome they want, the better.

And when you can give your prospects exactly what they want, they will return the favor.

Offer a payoff, not a product

,When we try to offer too much, we risk burying the thing our clients really want under an avalanche of stuff.

Our clients don’t want a lot of stuff. They want the right stuff. They want the payoff.

They great thing about putting your payoff center stage is your clients immediately see your offer is the one that takes them exactly where they want to go.

Back in the heat of the last financial crisis, I needed sales. And I needed them fast.

So I offered an article writing class.

Now if you think writing articles is not exactly the way most folks want to spend their Saturday night, you’re right.

Which is why I focused the content, the messaging and the title of this course around traffic.

Because everyone wants traffic.

Sure, I showed people how to write articles. But every feature, every session and every bonus I offered was focused on creating a flood of perpetual traffic.

So it’s no surprise the 90 Articles in 90 Days Traffic Challenge enrolled 119 people in 4 weeks (even though my list was less than 1000).

While I was teaching them article writing, my messaging and content were focused on traffic, leads and clients.

When you never lose sight of that one big payoff, you do a manageable amount of work you get paid a lot for, instead a ton of work you probably won’t get paid for.

Your Signature Solution

When you fall in love with over-creating, you actually distance yourself from success,  instead of getting closer to it.

Even after a hit program, too many entrepreneurs leap into building their next creation. And the one after that. And the one after that.

It is any wonder so many of us end up overwhelmed, exhausted and discouraged.

Which is why you just might need a Signature Solution.

Whether it’s a program, group or event, your Signature Solution is not something that’s “one and done”.

  • It’s a magnetic money-making idea you rinse and repeat, creating even more profit every time you offer it.
  • It showcases your unique talent so you grow your authority and stand out in the marketplace.
  • And because it helps you stand out, it makes it easier to attract clients that fill it year after year.

And because it does all three of these, it allows you to reach more people and make a bigger difference without running yourself ragged.

Freedom is the result when you craft a Signature Solution as the central tent pole that supports the rest of your business.

Nail it, then Scale it

 oOnce you’ve built a Signature Solution, the temptation is to run off and create another one is overwhelming. 

The heady feeling of creating a successful program makes you want to do it over and over.

Instead of exhausing yourself with something new, why not take that thing where you hit a home run and make it better!

  • Refine it, so it creates results faster.
  • Streamline it, so prospects can see instantly this is what they’ve been searching for.
  • Grow it, so it reaches a larger and larger audience.
  • And put all your creative energy into finding new and unique ways to make it a powerhouse in the marketplace.

In other words: Once you nail it, scale it.

When a golfer shoots a great round of golf, they don’t go off and try to be a baseball player. They get better at golf.

When an artist paints a masterpiece, they don’t decide to learn the violin.  They commit to making their next painting better.

Life and business gets simpler, more rewarding and more fulfilling when you decide to apply your creative energy strategically.

So you lift what’s already working to greater heights. Instead of going back to square one and try to reinvent the wheel all over again.

To Recap:

,It’s awesome you’re willing to work long hours to make your business fly.  But when you get addicted to creation, the energy that’s the engine of your success starts to dim.

So it’s important to follow the five steps that allow you to make more while offering less:

The Fortune is In the Focus

Don’t Just Give Them a Program, Give Them a Win

Offer a Payoff, Not a Product

Your Signature Solution

Nail it, Then Scale It

This isn’t about pulling a fast one on your clients, so you can sleep while they sweat.  It’s about simplifying and clarifying what you offer, so you clients instantly see you are the Gatekeeper to Their Dream.

And ensure you get to stay in the game long enough so you get to Build Out your business. Instead of burning out from your business.

And one more thing …

One of the ways to make the impact you want to is ensuring the people you most want to serve have the resources to invest in your programs.

Which is why I created a guide, that lists 21 places to find your ideal high end clients. Who not only have the money to pay you, but are already looking for you. You can access your own copy of the guide right here.