You’ve seen them all over the place …
The visionary predictions about how breathtaking advancements in tech will change the landscape in the coming year.
What’s been missing is: What about changes that directly impact OUR businesses?
Sure its fun to get caught up in all the wild forecasts (that remind me of the ‘wild west’ days of the internet, when every week brought some new ground-breaking possibility)
But why not something closer to home? Relevant to you right now, instead of some far off future?
I’ve gazed into my own crystal ball and come up with 7 down to earth trends – most of which involve AI – you can harness to increase your success in the coming year.

From AI ‘One-Offs’ to Automation
The first wave of AI adoptions were awesome. But they were one-offs: magnetic emails, seductive subject lines and social posts.
Event crafting a bunch of them at once was still just scratching the surface of the wave breaking on the horizon.
2025 will see a much great adoption of automation: Doing all these (and more) at scale, on an ongoing basis, more closely matching your authentic voice.
Increased adoption of apps like Make.com or Zapier will allow you to daisy-chain together multiple steps – writing / captions / images / hashtags and posting for months on end will free up large swaths of time for sales and moneymaking.

As we move beyond generating content, copy and images, more of us will be looking to AI to help generate revenue.
And one of the fastest ways to ramp this up is strategic guidance.
Because when prompted correctly, AI can help craft your launch strategy or an awesome new brand and rollout just as easily as it can help you with irresistible subject lines.
Here’s a sleeper AI Strategic application I’ve been using with clients to expand their reach quickly: Identifying additional ideal market sectors to target.
Because the niche you’re focusing on isn’t the only one that will go gaga over your offers.
Using AI to identify even 2 or 3 additional market sectors of folks who are searching for your specific solution right now can open up a slew of lucrative new speaking and launch opportunities.
And might be the fastest way to substantially grow your revenue. As well as discover an entirely new pipeline of groups, conferences, events and trade shows to get in front of these new prospects.

Virtual Assistants as AI Experts
While many see AI’s replacing support staff and vendors I see something completely different:
Virtual Assistants who are AI savvy will be worth their weight in gold and highly valuable to those entrepreneurs who just don’t want to navigate the AI learning curve.
At least in the short term, VA’s who master in-demand AI skills that directly impact bottom line concerns will become sought after well-compensated team members.
And those who are able to master prompt creation can move into new areas of service:
Like copy for funnels, landing and sales pages, viral social posting, and more.

Replicate Yourself
Wouldn’t it be great if clients and students could get feedback on a talk, webinar or sales call whenever they want it?
The problem is these kinds of evaluations are time and effort intensive. And clients can get antsy with slow turnaround.
But creating an AI Expert Bot, trained on your specific skills and approach, can deliver the guidance your students need – fast and at scale.
Imagine the value if you could deliver individualized, in-depth guidance – the kind usually reserved for your high-ticket mentor clients – for students of a more affordable large group program?
Whatever your specific expert skill set:
• Selling from the stage
• Crafting offers
• Dispensing dating advice
• Busting through fitness plateaus
• Or plotting launch strategies …
Clients will have access to in-depth guidance on a more immediate basis.
And if you’re a mentor with an expansive library of support materials, you can create a support AI to instantly provide direct links to the exact trainings that answer their questions, freeing up demands on your live customer support.

AI Voice Mentors
While vastly underutilized today, look for voice interaction with AIs (instead of with text prompts) to open up new levels of service delivery for those skills that demand live interaction.
Clients role-playing multiple sales call scenarios to hone their closing skills and up their conversion rate.
Or increasing their ability to answer objections with a wide variety of client types.
Or honing your networking follow-up to expert levels.
The list of possibilities is endless!
Anything that requires skillful interaction with another human and be optimized using role play prompts.
And you can do this now with Chat GPT voice mode (available in iPhone and Android apps, as MacOS and Windows desktop apps).

There’s nothing like interacting with a skilled mentor. But skilled interaction 24/7 on demand just hasn’t been possible.
AI will start to change that, by providing a middle ground between live human interaction, and instructional materials like videos and pdfs.
Because you can’t ask a video or a PDF a question if something isn’t clear. But a trained AI can provide answers instantly, when it might take a human a couple hours to be available to do it.
This will also extend the level of service and interaction you can offer to folks who can’t afford your higher level private mentoring fees.

The Explosion of Cinematic Video
Some of the biggest leaps in AI capabilities are happening in the video sphere. And I’m not talking about cool effects for your TikToks and Reels. Or apps that chop up and caption your longer form videos into short form chunks.
I’m talking about high-end, cinematic branding, positioning and launch videos that could cost you tens of thousands of dollars to farm out.
So even if you’re earlier in your business growth cycle, you can market your high level skills without busting your budget.
And product pro-level videos for your brand rollouts, launches, sales pages, book trailers and speaking gigs.
Using AI to script, sequence, select high end stock media and even create dramatic shots and images from scratch will become within reach for a growing number of entrepreneurs and business owners.
and this is only the beginning
,The list of what’s possible goes way beyond these seven scenarios. As new user-friendly applications become available you can expect even more possibilities that were once impossibly out of reach to become part and parcel of the successful entrepreneur tool box.
What’s even better is – for early adopters – applying one or two of these can provide a huge competitive advantage.