“If I were to get 100 new clients in 2025, I would need to _____________ .”
Maybe you believe it’s impossible. But what if it’s not?
What if one small reversal in the way you look at things and the way you do things could make it possible?
And change everything about what you achieve this year?
Is Tactic-Based Goals.
They usually sound something like: “This year I’m going to … “
• Start a podcast
• Redo my website
• Do 2 Facebook Lives every week
• Do a live event
• Create and sell a product
• Dive into Instagram
You’re probably wondering, “What’s wrong with that?”
It’s that these tactics are completely separated from specific desired outcomes.
Ah, outcomes … you know, the good stuff: Like profits. Clients. Filling an evergreen group with 45 students.
Making enough money to take a week off. Or two. Or four.
And none of them are wrong. In fact, tactics are necessary.
But they are necessary to achieve outcomes.
When your tactics are disconnected from the outcomes and goals they are designed to achieve, you become great with tactics. But not-so-great enrolling clients and generating revenue.
The problem is: When tactics become the goal, instead of clients and revenue.
Because if your goal is to enroll 100 clients this year:
1. Your focus must be that goal.
2. Anything that doesn’t substantially contribute to 100 clients by the end of the year goes out the window.
So the tactics you choose must DIRECTLY ENHANCE your ability to achieve that outcome.
So instead of doing a podcast because it’s cool, or it will make you famous, or your favorite marketing celebrity has one …
You’re doing it because it will expose you to 300 new people every week.
And if you can convert just 2 of those 300 to clients … boom! There’s your 100 clients.
(Wow, that was simple!)
So instead of throwing a podcast (or whatever other tactic you choose) at the wall, hoping it sticks, you are going to focus on what you can do to:
Get 300 new listeners every week
Get 50 of those new listeners onto your list
Get 8 of those new subscribers into comp sessions
Convert 2 of those comp sessions into clients
Ooooooh … did you see what just happened?
Suddenly my impossible “100 new clients this year” goal has been broken into 4 very specific actions, outcomes and targets that are achievable.
Suddenly … I have a plan.
Rather than choosing a tactic because it’s hot, or because my favorite marketing guru told me I have to. I am choosing actions and tactics that help me:
Turn my 300 new listeners every week … into 2 new clients every week.
That gets me to 100 clients. (With a couple weeks off to chill).
1. Don’t start with a tactic. Start with a goal.
2. Make it something that feels just a little bit impossible. But not too impossible.
3. Now … what are the few specific tactics that will give you the best chance for success?
4. This is NOT an endless laundry list. It is the FEW most effective avenues to your goal.
5. Now … create a plan you follow to make it happen.
Your outcome is your North Star. Not your tactics.
Fall in love with an outcome FIRST. And let that guide you to your plan.
Because your tactics are not the boss of you.
I know … there are soooo many cool toys out there. So many new things you can try.
That will lead you down a long winding path to nowhere … unless you choose them, not because they are sexy. But because they speed you down a path to an outcome that can change everything for you.