There’s a funny thing I do that surprises most of the students who take my courses.

For each of these offerings — Webinar Seduction, Copy Seduction, and Product Seduction — I have a private Facebook group where students can ask questions. And at the beginning of each group, I make a request:

When you post a question: Ask the question FIRST.

Because what most people do instead is bury them inside endless paragraphs of backstory. And if you’re sincerely interested in an answer to your question, that’s exactly the wrong thing to do.

Because if someone has call out a search party to look for the question buried in your story, chances are they’re not going to find it.

Now the thing that’s important here has this has nothing to do with asking questions in a Facebook group. And everything to do with the fact that your attachment to your story is destroying your chances at a successful business.

Because sometimes we are so hellbent on diving into the endless details of the story around our problem … we miss any chance at finding the answer that can get us past it.

And while venting feels great, we often do it at the expense of our success.

Now I’m not talking about the powerful stories you tell to position your value to your target market. Or the stories you tell your prospects to show them what you have overcome on your path to success. That position you as THE BEST person to take them on the path to their success.

I’m also not talking about the concise specific details that help get you the answer you’re looking for.

I’m talking about the stories you tell, over and over about:

  • How someone screwed you. And what incredibly obnoxious idiots they were in doing it.
  • The exhaustive, detailed history about why you haven’t been able to crack this nut in the past.
  • Why the folks trying to help you never get you. And how successful you would be if they only did.
  • And any of number of other details that keep you tied to the problem, instead of the solution.

While its true there are places you can go and people you can work with who can help you handle your story if its getting in the way, one of those places is not your business.

And while you CAN use something that happened to you to fuel your passion and sense of mission in your business, if you don’t let go of the story and get on with the business, it will get in the way of the business. To the point where it will drive your business (and you!) into the ground.

Because the bottom line is:

money-inversely-proportionalSo, if you’d like to stop putting your story first and start putting the solution (and your success) first, here are a few tips and a fun game that can help you cop to when you start throwing all your energy into your story. So you can stop it and get what you really want: Which is the solution beyond the story.


Holy moly, that sure sounds crazy doesn’t it? The thing is, when you go into your story you’re doing the exact same thing:

  • You’re funding the problem with your energy, instead of the solution.
  • You’re funding something that angers you off, instead of something you believe in.
  • You’re funding your story instead of your success.
  • You’re funding the reasons why you can’t succeed, instead of the reasons why you can.
  • You’re funding your victimhood instead of your victory.

And you are ensuring your future looks a lot like your past.

Look I get it: It feels so good to go into excruciating detail on the stories and situations that piss you off. And all the reasons why you’re not where you want to be.

But you do that at the expense of getting the answers that move you beyond the story forever. That helps ensure you never have to go through something like that again.

Because the important thing to understand is, the more you cling to your story, the harder it is to get to that golden future that waits for you, right on the other side of it:

solution-isnt-buried-in-your-storyAnd at some point you have to make a choice which is the one you really want.