You can see it happening. But you’re helpless to prevent it.

Whether its over the phone, Zoom or in person, you can feel the excitement draining right out of their eyes.

And you thought you were right on the verge of getting a yes.

But you couldn’t stop talking (and talking) about your program. Isn’t that what makes them say yes?

Flash:  It’s not.

But there is a way to get their excitment to build (instead of fizzle). To jump in, instead of think about it.

And it all revolves around three simple words.


This post is for you if:

You struggle to create the kind of genuine connection with prospects, in person or online – that has them chomping at the bit to work with you.

You find yourself talking way too much about yourself in conversations and in your copy. And it’s driving clients away.

You yearn to create a shared sense of purpose with prospects, but don’t know how to communicate you’re on the same side and want the same things.

You can watch the video, or read the written transcript below.

The first (and most important) word is YOU.

Now when I say you I don’t mean “you the coach”, “you the consultant” or “you the entrepreneur”.

I mean you as in addressing your target market. Because to your target client, who is the most important person in the world? They are!

And their biggest concern when they have an issue they need help with is:

1.  You know what that issue is.
2.  You know the solution that gets them what they want.

Not the process. Not the steps. Not a bunch of jargon.

So, right off the bat you want to address the primary challenge your target market is facing, because that increases their interest in finding out how you might solve that issue.

Focus on your client and their primary issue first, not your process.

The 2nd word that is also very important is “I”.

The problem is, this is where most entrepreneurs start – talking about themselves.

But they talk about themselves way too much.

They talk about their program or their experience or their process or their steps.

And that’s the most important thing your prospect wants to know about.

What they really want to know is how you relate to their issue, and how you have overcome it, or solved it in your own life.

So this is about telling a story of how that same challenge you’re helping your ideal client with impacted you.

It could be that you had that same problem and the same challenges.

Or it could be that you’ve dedicated your business to helping people who are struggling with this challenge

The most important takeaway is that you’re not just talking about yourself in a self indulgent way, but in a way that moves your client to deeply understand:

You know who they are.
You know what they’re going through.
So more than likely – you have the solution.

Talk about yourself, but in a way that bonds you and creates a connection with your client.


And finally … the third crucial word is WE.

This is crucial because it means you and the client are going to work towards the solution  together.

No more gutting it out on their own, because with you they have a powerful ally on their side.

It’s a journey of shared value and purpose!

You are their advocate, and want the same things for them that they want for themselves.

So you’re not trying to convince them of anything.

You’re sharing that you know what they’re going through and offering a solution: Not as something you’re simply trying to “get them to buy”.

But as a way to rally them to something bigger, a larger, more engaged life, and a higher level of success.

You’re supporting them in aspiring to these things and you’re right there by their side, guiding them in their quest.

You’re letting them know this is absolutely something they can achieve, and that you will do everything in your power to help them achieve it, experience it and have it become a reality in their lives.

This shared sense of purpose and outcome is a powerful force that can drive your client to work with  you.

To Recap:

When you use these three powerful words:

And We

… to create a sense of connection and shared purpose, and combine it with a bold vision to achieve a powerful desired outcome, your conversion rate will soar, your business will take off and your clients will rave about how you helped them create more success and have a bigger impact.

And one more thing …

This happens so much faster when your prospect not only has the intention to work with you, but the resources to invest with you.

So where do you find these high end clients?

I’ve created a guide, that lists 21 places to find your ideal high end clients. Who not only have the money to pay you, but are already looking for you. You can access your own copy of the guide right here.